Friday, September 26, 2008

Maybe I should learn to animate!

I am a programmer, and programming skills are what I have developed in the last 10 years.

However, time and time again, I wish I had some artistic skills: design, animation, or perhaps at least knowing what looks good.

In my day, I have done a lot of Flash programming (mostly AS2, but some AS3 as well). I often get to work with artists, but occasionally I am asked to do the art myself. I politely say "no way", and move on. In the middle of most of my projects though, I go back to the artist or animator and have them fix something or update something (usually the "boss" is trying to get me to do it). Wouldn't it be nice if I had these skills myself? yes, but it would take some time and effort...and something fun to work on (looking for ideas).

Adobe CS4 was announced recently, and stuff like this seriously makes me drool. Do you think that tools made easy can help someone like me? Is there any hope?

Check out for some amazing additions to Flash in CS4. Now if only I was a student again and could get the killer discounts. :-)


Michelle said...

I totally think you should learn to animate. You definately are creative enough. Besides then you could create little computer games for your kids when they are old enough and become a millionaire we are all jealous of.

Rheim said...

Hey man,

I can get you the discount for CS5 if you're interested. I'm still a student. Amanda's still a student too.

I think the design premium bundle for students is like $360 or something. Still a lot, but ATON cheaper than retail.