Thursday, September 25, 2008

Time and Resources

Have you ever said, "If only I had more time..."? It seems that we (especially in the USA) never have enough time. However, more time is not the solution, prioritizing our time is.

On a similar note, have you ever found yourself waiting for your computer to do something? "If only my computer were faster," or "I wish this task would hurry up." The amazing this is, our computers are getting faster every year, yet we have this amazing ability to max out the resources just as fast.

I'm trying to solve both of these problems in my life by posting here. (Ok, posting is not the top priority for me, but I have been meaning for months [nay, years] to post something here.) I'm currently waiting for my computer to finish building some code for work and usually waste that time with other non-important tasks. I'm trying to be better with that.

Any ideas of how to better manage time and resources?

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